
Even in 5th grade…

you could find me infatuated with the weather. My first ever “weather blogs” came in the form of emails to my 5th grade teachers that gave my predictions on an upcoming snow storm with my thoughts on a snow day (duh). However, there was one “blog” that resulted in my parents receiving a very concerned response because I had a few typos with a couple of accidental cuss words– “as the snow moves in” may have accidentally been “ass the snow comes in”; do you really expect those typing games to help a 5th grader??

In high school, instead of writing to my teachers, I just decided to annoy my family by getting up at two, four, and six in the morning to do hourly, incremental snow totals whenever it would snow.

In college, I chased an EF-4 tornado with my Mom and Dad– from faulty emails to dragging my parents into storm chasing–they are so proud.

I LOVE to TELL my friends about the big things that happen in my life, and I EXPECT to HEAR the big things about their’s (I’m pissed if they don’t tell me).  I’m chatty, observant, competitive, nosey (it’s getting a lot better), and emotional. I love to sing, go on drives (usually singing), and watch movies. I do not like to wait, well, for anything. 

The BEST thing about the weather is that it is HAPPENING. Always. Everywhere. Anytime. There is no waiting, and God definitely did not wait in giving me my love for weather. I was NOT that two year old that woke up his parents when he was “scared” because “the thunder was loud”; I had to put those in quotes because it’s crazy to even try to quote this common situation for kids and their parents because it really is THAT foreign to me… those wimps.

Let’s get to the questions you probably have: Why am I writing this and why are you reading this? Because number one, I have always wanted to have my own weather blog; number 2, Corona Virus has hit the human race and is forcing the world into a CREATIVE phase, so I’m joining in, and number 3, maybe you want to know a little bit about the weather.

What this blog IS NOT is a platform for me to write; I’m not a “writer” (if you haven’t already figured that out). This blog IS an innovative way for people to read about the weather on a weekly basis. Simply put, it is a unique perspective of the way I see the weather and how it can connect to all of our lives. I believe that God gave each of us our passions and that we have the responsibility to glorify Him through them. I hope you join me as I share not just what goes on outside, but about this next stage of life I’m about to enter, and about the Big Guy upstairs who chose a guy from Kansas to be a weatherman. 

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